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Read insights on music investing, industry, creativity, and more!

10 Tips To Set Up A Home Studio
The way you set up your home studio can have a big impact on your music. It is important from an acoustic perspective where you place...

5 Ways To Have Better Finances As An Artist
As an artist you want to make sure that every dollar you spend is going into the correct places. Any lapses in judgement can mean a...

7 Things No One Will Tell You About Your Music Career
You might have read a million opinions on what it takes to become successful as a music creator. There are a lot of great articles, but...

The 5 Best Ways To Spend Money For Your Music Career
Where do you currently spend your money? Is it going towards your development as an artist? Where you spend money as an artist can have...

The #1 Reason Why Most Music Investment Companies Fail
There have been many companies who have tried and failed in the area of music investing. These companies explored a couple different ways...

3 Hard Truths Why Music Creators Make Less In The Industry
Music creators get the short end of the stick when it comes to finances. They make up only 11% of the total revenue the entire music...

Do You Have To Move To Become Successful In Music?
Changing locations can have its benefits on your music career. On the other hand, technology has made it easier than ever to connect to...

10 Reasons Most Music Creators Fail
When you look at all of the people who want to make a living from their music in the world, the number is big and increasing. So why...

10 Hard Truths Why Most Music Creators Are Broke
The truth is most musicians are not financially well off. For the most part musicians have some disconnect when it comes to being...

4 Reasons Investing Is More Important To Music Creators Than Anyone Else!
Investing your money as a music creator can be helpful for your career because of the way it protects your finances. In many cases,...

Top 10 Expenses For Your Music Career (#8 Will Surprise You)
A lot of new costs can occur throughout your music career. At the beginning you were making it work with the bare minimum doing whatever...

How You Can Own A Piece Of The Entire Music Industry
Are you familiar with the percentages streaming platforms pay artists? The most popular streaming service Spotify gives just $.0034 to...

Avoid This Big Mistake To Make A Living From Your Music!
If you are someone looking to make a living from your music to be able to support yourself financially, then avoiding this one mistake...

Touring On A Budget
Pricing & how to make the most of your money As more and more venues start to open back up, you are probably chomping at the bit to start...

The Music Investment Problem
Investing your money in a way that supports something that you believe in, which produces a return on your investment should be...

Our Personal Touch For You
You have a lot on your plate being an artist. When you are not thinking about ideas for songs you may be doing anything from writing...

Disrupting The Finance Industry For The Music Careers Of Artists
Disruption In The Finance Industry Industries like finance have been around since ancient Babylonian times and make up a vital part of...

Artists Need Money, Why Not Invest Money For Them!
Almost all artists and music creators at one point in time have struggled financially. This is the status quo for music in a market...
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