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Do You Have To Move To Become Successful In Music?


Changing locations can have its benefits on your music career. On the other hand, technology has made it easier than ever to connect to millions of people around the world in the comfort of your own home. Here are the top pros and cons for moving out of your house to explore a new location that has more music creators like yourself.


1. Culture Of Other Music Creators

When you move to another location outside of your home that has a prominent music influence it can greatly impact your career. To be able to meet new people who share your same passion with music can help you. The major cities in the U.S for music are Los Angeles, New York City, and Nashville. Do some research as to which one would fit into your style. If you are outside the U.S research what the top music cities are in your respected country to explore your options that are in alignment with the type of music creator and person you are.

2. Growth

Being in a culture of creative people can make you more creative. New people, places, and things will breed new creativity towards you and your music. Instead of the same things you saw back home with the same routines.

3. Opportunities

You may not know what an opportunity looks like. Putting yourself in a new place for the betterment of your career will most certainly bring you more opportunities. It is up to you to keep yourself open to new things and to explore even the smallest of them. Anything can happen when you say yes to exploring and moving towards your goals of being a music creator.

4. New Music

Being in a new environment will bring new music into your life. The culture that you are around will most likely be different than the one you moved out of. New trends, music, styles, and genres may present themselves to you on any given day.


1. Everything Is Online

Almost everything can be done online. From collaborating, networking, and hearing new ideas. You can create full projects and songs in the comfort of your own home easily. The days of having to go to a music studio are not necessary anymore. There have been plenty of music creators who put their heads down where they were and worked until they knew it was time to move to a prominent music city.

2. Costs

Moving can take a hefty portion of your bank balance. This may require you to take some sort of job to pay for the monthly expenses to afford the cost of living in one of these places. Factor in your rent, food, air fair, and moving costs. Is the price you are about to spend worth the move?


What's The Price Of Staying?

What is the price to you staying in an environment that doesn't support what you are doing? Is this environment really going to help you progress towards your goals? If the answer to these questions is no, then it is time to pack. Think about the cost to staying in this place. Will you end up throwing in the towel because of the constant scrutiny and doubt around your music career? Think about the cost you will pay to not moving just as much as the cost to moving.


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