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  • MariNation

Why Everyone Is Using Influencer Marketing And You Should Too

Influencer marketing has grown to one of the top ways to market your music, products, merchandise, and spread the word about your brand. The reason is the shift in society when it comes to your entertainment and technology. There are a couple of key takeaways as to why this marketing strategy will continue to be the best way to spread the word about your brand and how you can effectively use it in your life!

Here are a list of reasons why it is important.

  1. Active Following

  2. Focused Group

  3. Leverage

Active Following

A commercial on television doesn't hold the same attention as a post from your favorite influencer. The commercial is essentially noise in the background that you or anyone else in the room doesn't pay any mind to. The influencer posting videos and pictures is a completely different thing. The posts offer you to engage and comment with the rest of the community. The information behind the posts usually have to do with the personal life of that persons image that you already follow. The way the influencer holds its audiences attention is what makes it a cut above traditional marketing.

Focused Group

The people who follow certain accounts all have something in common. For example if you are following an attractive fitness influencer you and the people who also follow this account have something in common. Whether it be the idea of being fit, healthy, the lifestyle, or you want to live vicariously through this person. All who follow this account share the same interest.


Having other accounts share your content exposes this information to massive amounts of people. If ten people who all have 1,000 followers on Instagram share your post, that is 10,000 new people potentially being exposed to your content. Add more numbers to the equation and you can see how a lot of these accounts have massive followings in the millions. It is about using other accounts as leverage for your brand to piggy back off of their already large audience.

How To Do It

Steps to use influencer marketing:

  1. Match The Brands

  2. Give

  3. Exchange

Match The Brands

Make sure that what your brand also aligns with what the influencer account is doing. It may not be in your best interest as an indie pop artist to reach out to a hardware store that sells sit down lawn mowers to share your content. Reach out to accounts that already have an indie pop audience to effectively use this technique.


Share the accounts content first. Show them the love before you ask for a post in return. This shows you already like their content and believe in what they are doing.


A couple forms of an exchange are paid posts, product exchange, or some other form of post for post exchange. We have had accounts generously post our content for free for multiple reasons. If you follow these steps and ask in a polite manor people will be more receptive to help you!


Influencer marketing can be a strategy that gets you to the next level you have been looking for. Try these steps to reach out in the most effective way and have people open to your brand!


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